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Delphinium consolida Imperial QIS® Light Pink (Samen) - Acker-Rittersporn

Delphinium consolida Imperial QIS® Light Pink

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A selection from the high-performing QIS series, which provides large double flowers in a soft pink colour, very romantic. This annual larkspur quickly forms a tall, well-branched plant in one season. It's a great opportunity to create beautiful fresh or dried bouquets afterwards. To sow directly in the ground, in a sunny location, in cool and deep soil.
Blüte von
3 cm
Höhe bei Reife
1 m
Einjährig / Mehrjährig
21 Tagen
Art der Aussaat
Aussaat ohne Schutz

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Zeitraum der Aussaat März bis Mai
Blütezeit Juni bis September


The Delphinium consolida Imperial QIS® Light Pink is part of a series of selected larkspur plants known for their beautiful stature and opulent double flowers tightly packed in tall spikes. Light Pink quickly develops into a large, well-branched plant that offers romantic candle-like spikes of delicate pink flowers within the year of sowing, asserting their vertical presence in flower beds. The annual Cornflower Larkspur is easy to grow even in chalky soil, and can be sown directly in the ground, in flower beds or borders, in sunny locations with rich, moist soil.

Delphinium Qis Light Pink is one of the many hybrids resulting from crossing the Consolida Larkspur, in Latin Delphinium consolida, an annual plant with a preference for winter germination, growing in cereal crops on clay-limestone and rather dry soil unlike most larkspurs. It is a fast-growing hardy annual plant, forming a broad clump 35 to 40 cm wide, with deeply cut palmate foliage in a tender green shade, from which emerge 1 m tall flower spikes in summer. The flowering period lasts from June to September and is highly attractive to pollinating insects. The double spurred flowers, slightly ruffled, are gathered on tall, densely packed spikes. The upward-growing lateral branches help prevent tangling during flower picking. The flowering is followed by the formation of numerous seeds that will readily germinate in the garden. The plant develops from a woody rhizome that vertically penetrates the soil.

Delphiniums bring height and verticality to perennial flower beds with their upright silhouette. The Light Pink variety allows for the quick creation of a theatrically charming and delightfully nostalgic setting when sown directly in the ground. These plants also make perfect companions for roses and Oriental poppies, creating charming and romantic arrangements. In a white garden, Delphiniums can be paired with paniculate baby's breath, Crambe cordifolia or Gillenia trifoliata. This variety is also excellent for bouquets, thanks to the long-lasting cut flowers that can even be dried. To prepare for drying, cut the fully bloomed flowers into small bunches, hang the stems upside down, and store in a dry, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight.


Blütenfarbe pink
Blütezeit Juni bis September
Blütenstand Ähren
Blüte von 3 cm
Bienenfreundliche Pflanze/Honigproduktion Zieht Bestäuber an
Für Sträuße Blumen für Sträuße/ zum Schnitt
Produknummer 21463


Laubryhtmus, Dauer der Belaubung Sommergrün
Laubfarbe zartes Grün
Produknummer 21463


Höhe bei Reife 1 m
Breite bei Reife 35 cm
Wachstum sehr schnell
Produknummer 21463


Mögliche Risiken Pflanze kann bei Verschlucken zu Vergiftungserscheinungen führen.
Produknummer 21463







Imperial QIS® Light Pink



Andere gebräuchliche Namen




Produknummer 21463

Sonstige Ritterspornsamen

Pflanzung & Pflege

Sow the Delphinium Imperial QIS Light Pink directly outdoors, from April to May, in full sun, on a fertile, light, well-drained soil, previously well loosened.

Bury the fine seeds to a depth of 6mm in small holes spaced 30cm apart. Keep the soil moist by watering regularly, especially during dry periods. Germination usually takes 14 to 21 days. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, thin out by planting only one seedling every 15 cm.

For earlier flowering, sow Delphinium seeds from August to October in 7.5 cm pots in good quality soil kept moist. Place the pots in a mini-greenhouse or inside a plastic bag at a temperature of 15-20°C until germination. Once the seedlings are developed, place them in a bright, but cooler location. Overwinter the plants in a cool, bright place sheltered from frost by watering them sparingly. Transplant them to their final location the following spring.

Water regularly until the plants are fully established. Bury sturdy sticks among the tall plants by 10 cm, which will allow them to rise while being supported. You can also stake the plants with bamboo canes. Regularly remove faded flowers to encourage flowering renewal. Delphiniums appreciate sunny locations, protected from the wind, as well as fertile, organic-rich, well-drained soil.

  1. 7,50 € Tasche
  2. 19,90 € Flasche
  3. 14,50 € Stück

Wann soll ich säen?

Zeitraum der Aussaat März bis Mai
Art der Aussaat Aussaat ohne Schutz
Keimzeit 21 Tagen
Produknummer 21463

Für welchen Ort?

Geeignet für Wiese
Art der Nutzung Beet
Schwierigkeitsgrad Amateur
Standort Sonne
pH-Wert des Bodens Neutral, Kalkhaltig
Bodenfeuchtigkeit kühler Boden, Boden gewöhnlich, tief, gut bearbeitet.
Produknummer 21463

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