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Hebe buxifolia - Strauchveronika

Hebe buxifolia

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A Strauch with an ausgebreitet port that forms a beautiful cushion, wider than it is tall, ideal for creating borders. It is ornamental all year round with its lovely ausdauernd Blatt, whose small shiny dark green Blätter are neatly aligned, forming four Reihen of a very graphic appearance. At the end of spring, the Strauch produces a white Blüte in small terminal Ähren. leicht zu kultivieren, this montan Strauchveronika is one of the most cold-resistant.
Blüte von
3 cm
Höhe bei Reife
50 cm
Breite bei Reife
70 cm
Sonne, Halbschatten
Bis zu -15°C
kühler Boden

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Beste Zeit für die Pflanzung März, September
Geeigneter Zeitraum für die Pflanzung März bis Mai, September bis Oktober
Blütezeit Juni bis Juli


The Hebe buxifolia is a variety of Strauchveronika that forms a low, wide, persistent cushion, with a very ornamental pattern throughout the year. Its small, glossy leaves are arranged in a cross on the branches, creating a very recognisable and aesthetic silhouette. At the end of spring, the plant produces white flowers grouped in short spikes at the tips of the branches. One of the hardiest of all (down to -15°C), this Strauchveronika can be planted in a border, a rockery, a flower bed, or in a pot on a terrace in particularly harsh climates.

The Hebe, which traditionally belonged to the family of Scrophulariaceae, has curiously been reclassified by botanists since 2009 into the Plantaginaceae family, alongside Antirrhinum (Antirrinum) and Digitalis, which are also transplants... Plants of the genus Hebe were once part of the genus Veronica, the herbaceous Veronicas, before being separated to form a distinctly different group. There are about a hundred species of Hebe, most of which are native to New Zealand, while others come from Tasmania and southern Australia. The first Strauchveronika introduced to Europe, Hebe elliptica, was brought back by George Forster during an expedition with the famous Captain Cook. Most of the species currently cultivated on our continent were imported a century later.
The Hebe buxifolia, also known by the synonym Hebe odora, grows in both islands that make up New Zealand, at altitudes above 1200 m. This explains why it is one of the hardiest species, tolerating temperatures down to -15°C, or even lower in very good soil and exposure conditions. It is also the fastest-growing species with small leaves... in comparison to others, as Strauchveronikas are not speed champions. This low shrub forms a regular, wide cushion, generally reaching 50 cm in height and 70 cm in spread, but can grow up to 1 m and form a much wider mass when it is happy in its location. The dense and compact branches create a very lush vegetation, making it excellent for forming bushy borders. They are adorned with small elongated obovate leaves that taper to a point, measuring only 8 to 12 mm in length. These thin leaves are dark green with a shiny surface on top, while the underside displays a lighter green. Their main uniqueness, which contributes to the beauty of this shrub, is that they are arranged in four rows, giving the branches a very graphic cross-section.
In June and July, spikes of 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, composed of tiny flowers, appear at the tips of the numerous branches, measuring 6 to 8 mm in diameter. They are white, sometimes slightly tinged with lilac.

The Hebe buxifolia, literally "box-leaved" due to its distinctive and graphic foliage, may not be the most floriferous of species, but its good hardiness allows most gardens to welcome it in open ground. In climates that are still too cold, it can be grown in a pot, with occasional pruning if necessary. Thriving in sunny situations in most soils, it only fears stagnant water. Plant it in a flower bed alongside flowering plants, which will be enhanced by its dark foliage. The charming miniature rose 'Cutie Pie' will thus be magnified at its feet, with its white and pink flowering that renews throughout the summer on a dome of vegetation only about fifteen centimetres high. The Berberitze thunbergii 'Tiny Gold' is another dwarf shrub, 40 cm in all directions, whose yellow-tinted foliage will provide a superb colour contrast alongside your Hebe. In the background, you will enhance this contrast by installing a specimen of Cotinus coggygria 'Winecraft Black', a dark purple shrub, whose much larger rounded leaves compared to those of the Berberitze and Hebe will create a surprising effect. Its long-lasting, airy flowering and warm autumn colours will energise your scene.


Höhe bei Reife 50 cm
Breite bei Reife 70 cm
Wuchs ausgebreitet
Wachstum normal
Produknummer 22586


Blütenfarbe weiß
Blütezeit Juni bis Juli
Blütenstand Ähren
Blüte von 3 cm
Bienenfreundliche Pflanze/Honigproduktion Zieht Bestäuber an
Produknummer 22586


Laubryhtmus, Dauer der Belaubung Immergrün
Laubfarbe dunkelgrün
Produknummer 22586








Andere gebräuchliche Namen


Botanische Synonyme

Hebe odora, Veronica odora, Hebe anomala, Veronica anomala, Veronica buxifolia



Produknummer 22586

Sonstige Hebe - Strauchveronika

  1. 18
    Ab 9,90 € Topf 10 cm/11cm

  2. 4
    Ab 12,50 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  3. 1
    Ab 7,50 € Topf mit 1,5L/2L

  4. 2
    Ab 14,90 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  5. 9
    Ab 14,90 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  6. 10
    Ab 14,90 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  7. Nicht lieferbar
    Ab 7,50 € Topf mit 1,5L/2L

  8. 6
    Ab 14,90 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  9. 9
    Ab 14,90 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  10. 14
    Ab 14,90 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  11. 46
    Ab 4,30 € Kleine Töpfe von 8/9 cm

    Erhältlich in 2 Größen

  12. 10
    Ab 3,90 € Kleine Töpfe von 8/9 cm

  13. 3
    Ab 10,50 € Topf mit 2L/3L

  14. 6
    Ab 27,50 € Topf mit 3L/4L

Pflanzung & Pflege

Easy to care for, Hebe buxifolia prefers sunny situations, while also tolerating partial shade, and well-drained soils that do not retain too much water. It tolerates salt spray quite well and adapts very well to coastal gardens. Once established, it can withstand short periods of drought. It is one of the most rustikal species of the Gattung, able to endure temperatures of up to -12 / -15°C in well-drained soil. In the coldest regions, it is advisable to protect it during winter or to plant it in a pot and bring it into a greenhouse or frost-free conservatory. After the Blüte, remove the faded Infloreszenzen using a pair of shears. This light pruning will help maintain a compact Wuchs.

Wann soll ich pflanzen?

Beste Zeit für die Pflanzung März, September
Geeigneter Zeitraum für die Pflanzung März bis Mai, September bis Oktober
Produknummer 22586

Für welchen Ort?

Geeignet für Wiese, Steingarten
Art der Nutzung Beet, Beetrand, Einfassung, Kübel, Gewächshaus
Winterhärte Bis zu -15°C (USDA-Zone 7b) Karte ansehen
Schwierigkeitsgrad Anfänger
Dichte der Bepflanzung 5 pro m2.
Standort Sonne, Halbschatten
pH-Wert des Bodens Alle
Art des Bodens Kalkhaltig (arm, alkalisch und durchlässig), Lehmig-schluffig (nährstoffreich und leicht), Schotterhaltig (arm und filtrierend)
Bodenfeuchtigkeit kühler Boden, gut durchlässig
Produknummer 22586


Beschreibung Schnitt Prune lightly after the Blüte, to remove faded Blume and maintain a compact Wuchs.
Schnitt Schnitt empfohlen 1 Mal pro Jahr
Zeitraum für den Schnitt September bis Oktober
Bodenfeuchtigkeit kühler Boden
Widerstand gegen Krankheiten Gut
Überwintern Kann in der Erde bleiben
Produknummer 22586

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