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Eryngium planum White Glitter (Samen) - Flachblättrige Mannstreu

Eryngium planum White Glitter
Flachblättrige Mannstreu

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A beautiful white-flowered variation of the excellent variety 'Blue Glitter'. This beautiful perennial Panicaut offers ivory pompons with silver reflections, on silver-green stems. Ideal in full sun, in poor, rocky soil, rather dry. Its tough, dark green, toothed leaves, often persistent in winter, are arranged in a rosette. Rustic and wild, this Panicaut works wonders in borders or in a rockery. It self-sows spontaneously in light soil. Then to be integrated into fresh or dried bouquets.
Blüte von
10 cm
Höhe bei Reife
80 cm
Sonne, Halbschatten
Einjährig / Mehrjährig
18 Tagen
Art der Aussaat
Aussaat unter Glas

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Zeitraum der Aussaat Januar bis März
Blütezeit Juli bis September



The Eryngium planum 'White Glitter' is a perennial Blue Glitter eryngo species also known as flat sea holly. This variety is a white-flowered form of the high-performing and award-winning 'Blue Glitter' variety. It produces stunning ivory-silver flowers on silvery green branched floral stems. Its very bright colour is even more appreciated in its preferred conditions: full sun, in poor, rocky, and fairly dry soil. Graphic and highly decorative, this plant is valued in slightly wild areas of the garden or in a rockery. Beautiful fresh or dried bouquets can then be made with this charming plant. Sow in pots from March to April or sow directly in place from May to July.

The Eryngium planum or Eryngium armatum, also known as flat sea holly, is a plant from the Apiaceae family, just like celery and Möhre. It is a perennial herbaceous plant by its root. Native to the mountains of central Europe, in the wild, it is found in dry and sunny places, in very well-drained gravelly or sandy soil. A plant with an upright and bushy habit, the 'White Glitter' eryngo reaches about 80 cm in height and 50 cm in spread fairly quickly. Its root develops a rosette of basal leaves, petiolate, ovoid with a heart-shaped base, thick, toothed, dark green, shiny, persistent in winter. Tall dark blue-gray, branched stems, adorned with a few small spiny leaves without petioles, rise from the basal rosettes. Flowering occurs in June-July at the end of these branches. It takes the form of ovoid inflorescences, 2 cm in diameter, composed of a multitude of tiny azure-blue flowers, surrounded at the base by thin toothed bracts of the same blue, with metallic reflections. This flowering attracts many pollinating insects. The Eryngium planum readily self-seeds in light and well-drained soils.

The wild Sea Holly does not live very long (especially in fertile and moist soil) but naturally self-seeds where it likes. In a countryside garden, its colour and design are appreciated alongside tall Österreichische Königskerze with yellow flowers, small annual nigellas with enchanting blue, nepetas, shrubby salvias, as well as cosmos or roses. In a contemporary garden, it looks stunning with grasses. Cut flowers are splendid in dried bouquets.


Eryngium planum White Glitter (Samen) - Flachblättrige Mannstreu in Bildern...

Eryngium planum White Glitter  (Samen) - Flachblättrige Mannstreu (Ernte) Ernte


Blütenfarbe weiß
Blütezeit Juli bis September
Blütenstand Blütendolde
Blüte von 10 cm
Bienenfreundliche Pflanze/Honigproduktion Zieht Bestäuber an
Für Sträuße Blumen für Sträuße/ zum Schnitt


Laubryhtmus, Dauer der Belaubung Sommergrün
Laubfarbe grün


Höhe bei Reife 80 cm
Breite bei Reife 50 cm
Wachstum normal







White Glitter



Andere gebräuchliche Namen

Flachblättrige Mannstreu



Produknummer 21848

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Pflanzung & Pflege

Sow the seeds of Eryngium White Glitter from February to July, in trays, pots, etc. in a special seed compost that you will place in a propagator or a warm spot to maintain an optimal temperature of 18-20°C. Cover the seeds with a thin film of vermiculite or compost. Do not exclude light. Germination may be slow. Enclose the sowing in a polyethylene bag and maintain at 15-18°C for 2 weeks, then place it in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for 3 to 6 weeks. After this stage, return the sowing to the recommended germination temperature. If germination does not occur within 6 to 10 weeks, return it to the refrigerator for another 3 to 6 weeks.

Regularly check your sowings stored in the refrigerator and immediately remove seeds showing signs of germination.

Prick out the young plants when they are large enough to handle into 8 cm diameter pots. Let them grow under cold frames and plant them out in the garden the following spring. Maintain a spacing of 30 cm between each plant. Choose a sunny exposure and well-drained soil.

You can also try direct sowing in place from May to July in groups of 2 to 3 seeds. Germination in 20 to 30 days.

Wann soll ich säen?

Zeitraum der Aussaat Januar bis März
Art der Aussaat Aussaat unter Glas
Keimzeit 18 Tagen

Für welchen Ort?

Geeignet für Wiese, Steingarten
Art der Nutzung Beet, Beethintergrund, Böschung
Winterhärte Bis zu -23.5°C (USDA-Zone 6a) Karte ansehen
Schwierigkeitsgrad Amateur
Standort Sonne, Halbschatten
pH-Wert des Bodens Alle
Bodenfeuchtigkeit trockener Boden, Drainierend, tief, auch bei armen Böden

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