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Schmuckkörbchen Sensation Mix (Samen) - Cosmos x bipinnatus

Cosmos x bipinnatus Sensation Mix
Schmuckkörbchen, Schmuckblume, Cosmee, Kosmee

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A colourful and cheerful mix in various shades of pink and white, from this superb annual flower, very light, to be adopted without hesitation in country-style flower beds. Very large flowers of 9 cm in diameter. Very easy to grow, it can be sown directly in the ground and withstands all conditions.
Blüte von
9 cm
Höhe bei Reife
1.10 m
Einjährig / Mehrjährig
14 Tagen

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Zeitraum der Aussaat Februar bis April
Blütezeit Juni bis Oktober


The Organic Sensation Mix Cosmos is a blend of Cosmos bipinnatus in various shades of pink and white. These annual plants with tall growth, up to 1.10 m high, enliven the countryside borders with their cheerful, informal, very light flowers. The large 9 cm diameter flowers in this mix are supported by elegant stems emerging from finely cut foliage. They bloom in dark pink, sometimes pale pink edged with bright pink and white around a yellow centre, sometimes underlined with dark pink.

The Cosmos bipinnatus is an annual species native to Mexico and the extreme southern United States. This not very hardy annual plant, related to Dahlias, belongs to the Asteraceae family. It displays a characteristic inflorescence in a capitulum and particularly fine foliage, described as pinnatisect, resembling that of fennel. Each variety in this Sensation Mix selection quickly forms clumps of 90 cm to 1 m in height, for 50 cm in width. Flowering starts in June-July, and lasts until October, only ending with the first frosts. The capitulum flowers measure 9 cm in diameter and are composed of petals of various colours. The flower centre consists of a golden disc. They attract many insects and butterflies, including the Monarch. The foliage is finely cut into filiform segments, barely 0.5 to 1 mm wide, and is slightly and pleasantly fragrant.

Very easy to grow, suitable for beginners, Cosmos is a plant to be sown directly in the ground. Its flowering is foolproof: poor soil, heat, humidity. This tall plant brings verticality to borders and lightness to the heavier blooms of perennials. During flowering, the plant may sag under its weight, due to wind or showers. This issue can be resolved by grouping the plants in such a way that the leaves cling to each other. It is used in countryside borders, mixed with Purple Loosestrife, grasses, Gauras, Crocosmias, Verveine de Buenos Aires, or among perennials that love the sun as much as it does, such as bidens and rudbeckias. Its unique flowers have a very good vase life.

The eco-friendly gesture: Sowing a nectar-bearing plant like Cosmos in your garden will attract pollinating insects and butterflies throughout the summer. At the end of the season, let the last flowers produce their seeds, which are particularly appreciated by birds. This way, you will encourage them to settle in your garden and play an important role in its ecosystem.


Blütenfarbe pink
Blütezeit Juni bis Oktober
Blütenstand Köpfchen
Blüte von 9 cm
Bienenfreundliche Pflanze/Honigproduktion Zieht Bestäuber an
Für Sträuße Blumen für Sträuße/ zum Schnitt
Beschreibung Blütezeit ```html "The flower is a capitulum formed of a golden yellow heart, surrounded by a broad corolla of long ligules in a single colour. Flower diameter: 9 cm." ```
Produknummer 21856


Laubryhtmus, Dauer der Belaubung Einjährig
Laubfarbe grün
Beschreibung Blätter The light green foliage of Cosmos Sensation, finely cut, enhances the blooming of its large flowers.
Produknummer 21856


Höhe bei Reife 1.10 m
Breite bei Reife 35 cm
Wachstum schnell
Produknummer 21856





x bipinnatus


Sensation Mix



Andere gebräuchliche Namen

Schmuckkörbchen, Schmuckblume, Cosmee, Kosmee



Produknummer 21856

Sonstige Kosmeensamen

  1. 25
    18,30 €

  2. 22
    6,50 € Samen

  3. 50
    Ab 1,60 € Samen

  4. 10
    Ab 7,50 € Samen

  5. 33
    Ab 2,10 € Samen

  6. 40
    Ab 3,90 € Samen

  7. 54
    Ab 2,90 € Samen

  8. 13
    Ab 7,50 € Samen

  9. 1
    Ab 5,50 € Samen

  10. 20
    Ab 7,50 € Samen

Pflanzung & Pflege

Two growing solutions are available for this Cosmos Sensation Mix ORGANIC: Sowing under cover in March-April followed by pricking out into pots before final planting in your borders after the last frosts. Direct sowing in May (after the last frosts) followed by transplanting at a distance of 30 cm or simply thinning out excess seedlings. It takes between 80 and 90 days between sowing and flowering. During the summer months, removing faded flowers will promote renewal and extend flowering until autumn.

  1. 14,50 € Stück
  2. 7,50 € Tasche
  3. 19,90 € Flasche

Wann soll ich säen?

Zeitraum der Aussaat Februar bis April
Keimzeit 14 Tagen
Produknummer 21856

Für welchen Ort?

Geeignet für Wiese
Art der Nutzung Beet
Schwierigkeitsgrad Amateur
Standort Sonne
pH-Wert des Bodens Alle
Bodenfeuchtigkeit alle Arten
Produknummer 21856

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